by jmdengineering | Jan 16, 2020 | Process Plants & Equipment Design, Specialised Engineering
CLIENT: Saracen PROJECT SUMMARY The scope for this project included the engineering design and drafting to extend the existing Saracen CIL circuit to include an additional 2 x adsorption tanks (TK08 & TK09) The design required a new platform and steelwork to...
by jmdengineering | Jan 6, 2020 | Process Plants & Equipment Design
CLIENT: PACER / OM Manganese PROJECT SUMMARY Project Location: Northern Territory Date Completed: OM Manganese, based in the Northern Territory, established that they has recoverable Manganese in their coarse rejects stockpile. They determined to recover this via a...
by jmdengineering | Jan 5, 2020 | Process Plants & Equipment Design
CLIENT: Griffin Coal PROJECT SUMMARY Project Location: Muja Workshop Date Completed: 2017 Griffin Coal had an existing Lifting attachment which had been tagged out of service due to damage to the end of the lift plate. JMD provided a proposal for engineering design,...
by jmdengineering | Dec 23, 2019 | Process Plants & Equipment Design
CLIENT South32 PROJECT SUMMARY Project Location: Boddington WA South32 is using their existing belt reeler to change out the conveyor belt on several conveyors. South 32 engaged JMD Engineering for the design, engineering and drafting for a removable support stand to...